New York
New York City is one of my favorite places to visit whenever I am visiting back home! With just a simple 45-minute train ride to Grand Central, my friends and I love doing a day trips to Manhattan.
Getting There:
Because NYC is such a travel hotspot, there are so many ways to actually arrive in the city. Depending on your transportation preference, I have provided the best options below:
By Plane: JFK and La Guardia are going to be your two top airports for arriving in New York. JFK is known for being one of the largest international airports in the US, so be prepared to do a bit of walking if you select this airport. Since it is an international airport expect flight prices to be lower.
Now I will always be honest with my travel crew, so I will state that La Guardia is one of my least favorite airports. SORRY! La Guardia is always under construction, so it makes traffic getting in and out even more hectic, so personally, I try to avoid this location. However, if you are on a tight budget and La Guardia works for you, then book it! Regardless of my thoughts, I fully support cheaper plane tickets!
By Train: If you are in a surrounding state, another way to access the city is via train. There are two major train stations in the city, one is Penn Station and then the other is Grand Central. Now Grand Central is the main metro hub in the city, plus it’s widely known! I recommend if traveling into the city to arrive in Grand Central, to easily access your other destinations within the city.
UBER/Lyft: If you are located nearby the city and are looking for a car service, then UBER/Lyft is always an option. I will state this though it is much cheaper to take the train.

Getting Around:
By Metro: One of the best parts about NYC is the easy access to the metro system. Simply purchase a metro card from any of the machines within Grand Central and then head out on your way. Depending on where you are heading, typically $12-20 on a metro card is perfect for a day trip.
Note: You only need to swipe your card when you enter within the metro, so keep that in mind as you are navigating your route. Use apps like Google Maps or CityMapper for additional help!
Taxi: Literally taxis are located all over the city. It’s unnecessary, but if you want to channel your inner Carrie Bradshaw, then flag down a taxi and hop in. Just note that taxi ride can be pricey, so if you are on a budget, try limiting your taxi rides.
Walking: The best part about NYC is that walking around the city means seeing lots of characters and places. I do not mind walking in the city, but if walking long distances is not for you, then opt for the metro or a taxi.
Note: If you are traveling alone, please be mindful and aware of your surroundings. The one thing about the east coast is that life is fast-paced and everyone pretty much keeps to themselves.
If you are traveling alone, ALWAYS be mindful and aware of your surroundings. The one thing about the east coast is that life is fast-paced and everyone pretty much keeps to themselves. So try to keep to yourself and avoid drawing attention your way as well. If you are approached by anyone, just keep it pushing. Seriously, just keep looking straight ahead and keep walking.
Now I am not saying this to deter you away from visiting the city, but rather just to bring your awareness to things you should be mindful of. Listed below, I have provided some of the top precautions to take when in the city.
Bag/Purses: If you are a female, invest in a crossbody bag. Literally everyone in the city wears one, and it helps to keep your hands free. If you are visiting during the winter months, try keeping your bag under your coat. If you are using a backpack, just be mindful of your surroundings.
Riding the Train: Do not make assumptions. Always pay attention to whomever is around you. If someone is making you uncomfortable, move to a new spot and stay with the crowds. Never ride an empty car and when waiting for the train, do not stand close to the track.
Money: One of my biggest tips when solo traveling is to always split up your money. Honestly, this is a tip that you should practice whenever you are traveling to a foreign destination. If you are carrying cash, but a portion of it in your bag, your shoe, or in your suitcase or somewhere else. Just never keep all of it in one area. I started following this tip, after hearing a coworkers horror story and since then I’ve made this a standard for myself.
It’s just better to be proactive and not reactive.
Cellphone: Whenever you are traveling alone, you should never walk staring into your phone. Doing such will just draw attention to yourself. Try researching the directions to your destination prior to heading out, or even screen shotting them will help prevent you from looking “lost.”
If you find yourself lost and in need of directions, swing into a department store or restaurant and ask for help that way.
Clothing: This tip only applies if you are traveling to NYC in the winter months. It gets extremely cold in NYC during the winter, so wearing layers is key! Now I am not saying overdress to where you have heatstroke, but I am saying just be mindful that wind tunnels are real in NYC.
Restrooms: Restrooms are difficult to come by if you are walking a distance in NYC. So if you are ever looking to use the restroom, always search for the nearest department store.
As I have prefaced earlier, I am not saying this to deter you away from NYC at all! But rather to share knowledge that everyone should have prior to visiting the city. NYC is a great place to explore, filled with tons of recent adventures and fantastic foods!